artists & makers
We have now have over 75 makers with unique items in our shop!
We know them all personally, and stand behind their work.
Here is a small sample our many fabulous makers:
Courtney Pernell, Owner of Bayleaf Market
Handbuilt Pottery by pottercourt
Raleigh, NC
Erica Pigage, Port & Starbird Creations
Handmade Baby Items
Raleigh, NC
Staci Phebus, Juniper Bay Metals
Handcrafted Metalsmith Jewelry
Raleigh, NC
Justin Leitner, Leitner Studios
Oil and Gold Leaf Paintings
Durham, NC
Amy Friend, Amy Draws
Mixed Media Illustrations
Raleigh, NC
Doug Harris, Farmridge Pottery
Functional Stoneware Art
Raleigh, NC
Maureen Long, Bella Cosa Originals
Handcrafted Jewelry
Raleigh, NC
Caitlin Cary, Fine Art
Fiber + Collage Artist
Raleigh, NC
Phyllis Temple, Just Natural Soap
Personal Care Products
Oxford, NC
John Ehlers, Pottery by John
Wheel-Thrown Stoneware
Durham, NC
Melissa Faller, Jacarah Designs
Alcohol Ink + Watercolor Designs
Raleigh, NC
Steve Buch, Oak Park Creations
Wood Art
Raleigh, NC
Stop by the Market to check out the rest of our many wonderful makers and their fabulous creations:
Adam Peele
Amy Friend
Amy Strickland
Andrea Gordon, A.G. Creations
Angela Knoll
Anna Podris
Anne Terry
April Griggs, Moon & Back Handcrafted Botanicals
Autumn Cobeland, Greenway Artist
Carrie Richardson, Bright Kind Creative
Caitlin Cary
Chantelle Bengel
Cheryl Perotta, Fox Den Pottery
Courtney Pernell, pottercourt
Doug Harris, Farmridge Pottery
Emil LaCavita
Emily Knoll
Erica Pigage, Port & Starbird
Fran Garcia, Wanderlust Bee
Grace Garrett
Ginny Delaney
Harold Haun
Jane Zampaglione
Janet Elmo
Jessica Gifford
Jesse Kuefel
JoEllen Rasmussen
Joel Tesch
Joye Keith, Outta Grandma’s Garden
Just Natural Soap
Justin Leitner, Leitner Studios
Keith Norval
Lacey Garrison
Laura Myers
Lauren McMurry
Lisa Smallwood
Mark Ferrick
John Ehlers
Maureen Long, Bella Cosa Originals
Nancy Enloe
Nikki Wrench, Claybird Pottery
Orange Cat Art
Pam Biggs
Patti Bigsby
Patti Lenzen
Petal to the Press
Rebecca DeGroodt
Rebecca Rich
Rick Bennett
Rising Jewelry
Sarah Lee Studios
Second Breath Center
Scott Partridge
Skillet Gilmore
Staci Phebus, Juniper Bay Metals
Stephani Alviani
Steve Buch, Oak Park Creations
Surly Squirrel
Susie Knoll
Tanner Blackstone
The Vintage Bee
Tobacco Road Supply Co.
Tori Shelton, Raleigh Pottery
Vicki Williams
Victoria Smith